Temporarily Unavailable

Due to exceptional demand we are unable to accept any more orders at this time. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Registered customers

If you have an account, sign in with your e-mail address.

Forgot password?

Account Information

To become a Chromaview stockist it all starts with creating an account. Simply hit the Create Account button above and fill in the required criteria. Please provide us with all the required fields and as much information as possible so that we can review best review your application. If your application is approved, you can use your account to your order history, manage your information and begin your first Chromaview order.

Please note: Not all applications are successful.

What information do I need to provide?

When registering for a Chromaview account you can choose one of the following account types:

  • Wholesale Account
  • Website Account
  • Optician Account.

We review all account type applications to ensure our products are a good fit for our applicants. So that we can deal with your application promptly, please complete the signup form in full. We may be unable to approve an application of the following information is not provided where prompted (e.g Website URL, VAT Number, GOC Number, Sales Channels, Business Name etc.). Please view our Account Sign Up FAQs for more information.

I’ve created an account, what’s next?

After you’ve completed the registration process the next step will be to verify your account. When you submit the form you will be emailed a verification link in order to verify your account. A verified account is then automatically submitted for review. Once an account is verified and approved it can be used to access the Chromaview catalogue.

Before approval, all prospective accounts will be required to complete an online e-sign Distributor Agreement. Please find more information on this here.

I haven’t received a verification email.

If you have not received a verification email please ensure that the email address submitted is correct and it has not been moved into any folders by your email client. If the email address is correct and you are unable to locate the verification email, you can attempt to login to an unverified account to prompt a request to resend a new verification email.

I am unable to log in.

If your Chromaview account has been approved and you are unable to log in it may be possible that either the email address is or password is incorrect. If you are still unable to log in with what you believe is the correct email and password, you can attempt to change your password with the Forgot Password button in the login field. This will send a password reset link to your email address.

If you are unable to log in to your account after performing the steps above, please feel free to Contact Us and quote any notifications that you have received where you can’t log in, a customer services representative will then be in touch.

Please note: If your account has not been approved you will be unable to log in to your created account.

Application Process

Step 1

Ensure your account is verified by checking your email and clicking the verification link

Step 2

Once verified, your account application will be reviewed by our team

Step 3

Please wait while we review your application

Step 4

You will be notified if your account has been approved

Please Note: not all business account applications will be successful.

If you have any questions regarding an account, then please do not hesitate to contact us.


Please note our opening hours: Monday to Friday (8:30am to 4:30pm)